3200 {O you who believe! Be patient and compete patience (your enemies)}
2155 {Surely We will test you a little bit of fear, hunger, reduction of goods, people and crops. And the good news to patients.}
39.10 {... Only patients receive their full salary and excluding (or: without any trial)}
42.43 {He who is patient and forgives, that is certainly a mark of character.}
2153 {O you who believe! Get help in patience and prayer! God is certainly with patients.}
47.31 {Yes, We will surely test to identify those of you who fought (for the cause of God) and shows that patients and to test you.}
Verses on the requirement of showing patience and great value are numerous and notorious. As for the hadith, here few:
25. According to Abu Malik Al-Ash'ari that the Messenger of God said: "The ritual purity (or waste) is half of faith - praise be to God, fulfill the balance (of Judgement) - Glory and purity to God and praise (wal soubhanAllahi hamdoullillahi), fills the entire space between heaven and earth - Prayer is a light. The charity is proof (of sincere faith) - Patience is clarity - The Quran is an argument for or against you: All men take the morning the (market), it is selling his soul (God) and who has thus freed, and he who is condemned to eternal ruin (by selling it to the Devil). " (Muslim)
26. Abu Sa'id Al Khudri reports: "A group of Ansar (early Muslims of Medina) requested material assistance to the Messenger of God who gave them. Then they asked him again and gave it to them. Until the exhaustion of all he had. Once he had spent everything he had, he said: "While I hold some property I'm not always thinking with you. But he who refuses out of pride of soul reach out to others, God will save his pride. Whoever does not express his need, God is above the requirement. He who forces himself to wait, God gives him strength. No one has received a gift better and more abundant than that of patience. " (URA)
27. According Suhayb ibn Sinan, the Messenger of God said: 'What case Believing is amazing! His case does (for him) as well and this belongs only for Believing: it is the subject of a happy event, he thanked God for him and that's a good thing. If he suffers a misfortune, it endure it with patience and this is still a good thing for him. " (Muslim)
28. Anas said: "When the Prophet felt very heavy (due to illness) he began to be obscured by successive waves of agony. (Her daughter) Fatima said: "Woe is me, as my father is suffering!" He said, "Your father will know more after suffering today." Once dead, she said: "O father! He answered the call of his Lord. O father! The gardens of Paradise his home. O father! We declare his death at the Angel Gabriel. " When they buried him, Fatima said: "How do you have the heart to throw earth on the body of the Messenger of God? (Al Bukhari)
29. Osama bin Zeyd, the protege and the beloved of the Messenger of God, son of his beloved said: "The daughter of the Prophet sent someone to tell his father:" My son is in the throes of death , come and keep us company! ". He sent someone to submit her hello and say: "What God has made Him belong and to Him belongs what He has always given. He is at all related to a term assigned in advance. So take patience and hoped the reward would of God! "She sent him again, imploring him to come insistently to her. It then rose in the company of Sa'd ibn Ubada of Mu'adh Ibn Jabal, Ibn Ka'b of Oubay, Zeyd Ibn Thabet and others. It raised the dying to the little messenger of God who put him on the knees so that his soul began to move and be troubled. The eyes of the Messenger overflowed with tears. Sa'd said: "What exactly is this, O Messenger of God?" He said: "It is a mercy that God Most High has placed in the heart of His slaves
(In another version: "In the heart of who he wanted from His slaves."). And God is Gracious with those of His slaves who are themselves. "
30. According to Shu `aybah, Messenger of God said," once lived a king who was a sorcerer. When the witch felt old, he told the king: "I am now old. Send me a young man that I teach him magic. " He sent a young man. On his way to the sorcerer, the young man met a monk. He sat down beside him and listened to his words that pleased him. He did so every time he went to the sorcerer. When he came to the sorcerer, the latter struck him for its delay. He complained that the monk said: "When you're afraid of the wrath of the sorcerer, say to him: "I was chosen by my family" and when you fear the wrath of the family, tell him: "I was retained by the sorcerer."
meantime, here is a huge beast allowed passage to people. The young man said: "Today I'll know who the sorcerer or monk at the greatest value." He took a stone and said: "Lord God! If the work of the monk thee better than that of the sorcerer to kill the beast to let people go. " He then struck with the stone and killed him instantly. People had the way open. He came to inform him that the monk said: "My boy, you now have become stronger than me since you arrived at this miracle. That's why you'll certainly be tested. If so, do not tell anyone where I am. " So the young man came to heal the man born blind and the leper. He healed people of most of their diseases. One of the courtiers of the king who was blind heard about it and went to him with many gifts. He said: Everything you see here is yours if you come to heal me. " The young man said: "I do not heal anyone but myself it is only God who heals. If you believe in God, and He will pray I will heal you. " The courtier believed in God and God healed him. He went to the king and sat beside him as he was accustomed. The king asked: "Who made you the view?". He said: "My Lord and Master." He said: "Do you have a Lord other than me?". He said: "My Lord and God is yours." The king threw him in prison and did not stop torturing him until he denounce the young man. We then had come the boy and the king said: "My boy, you've arrived with your magic to heal the blind and the leper and to so and so." The young man said: "I do not cure anyone but God alone heals. " So he threw in jail and continued to torture him until he denounce the man. They sent for the monk and he said: "Deny your faith," and he refused to do so. Were ordered to make a saw that he placed it on the line of her hair. He then cut off the head that fell into two pieces. We then had come the courtier and he said: "Deny your faith!" But he refused. He placed the saw on the line of his hair and he cut his head fell into two pieces. It did finally come the young man and he said: "Deny your faith!" But he refused. The king threw some of his followers and told them: "Take her to climb this mountain and it with him. Once reached its peak, ask him to renounce his faith, otherwise discard the top of the mountain. So they took with them and climbed the mountain. He said: "Lord God! Save me from them by what you want ". The mountain then began to wobble. They fell into the void and he was told the king: "God saved me from them." The king threw him to his retinue and said, "Go with him and put him in a big boat. Once at sea, asking him to renounce his faith, if not throw it overboard. " They left with him, and once at sea, he said: "Lord God! Save me from them with what you want ". The boat turned over and they drowned. He came walking (on water) to the king who said, "what did your companions?". He said: "God saved me from them." He then told the king: "You will never be able to kill me if you do not do what I am ordering you to do. "Order me what" asked the king. "You gather your people on the same stage then you crucify me on the trunk of a palm tree. You take an arrow from my quiver, you place the arrow in the middle of the bow string and you say: "In the name of God, Lord and Master of this young man," then you're pulling me and if the arrow, you do all this, surely you will kill me. " He assembled the people on the same stage, the young man crucified on the trunk of a palm tree, took an arrow from his quiver and placed it in the middle of the bowstring. Then he said: "In the name of God, Lord and Master of the young man." He then shot the arrow that went crashing into his temple. The young man raised his hand to his head and died instantly. People then said: "We believe in the Lord and Master of the young man." They told the king: "What do you say what you feared? By God, "you have attained the object of fear and now your people believed in God." He ordered to dig trenches at the entrance of each road. They dug there and lit the fire. The king said: "Throw them all who do not want to deny their faith. " This they did until a woman came with her baby. She was afraid and refused to throw himself into the fire. Her child said, "Mother! Patient because you're on the right path. " (Muslim)
31. Anas said: "The Prophet passed by a woman who was crying from the grave. He said: "Fear God and be patient!" She said, "Leave me alone! You have not been affected by the disaster that overwhelms me and you have never experienced anything like this. "Someone said:" This is the Prophet "It appeared at the door of the Prophet found without gatekeeper (to prevent it). She told the Prophet: "I did not recognize you." He said: "Patience is worthy of the name if she cried when she appears at the first shock." (In another version of Muslim: one woman weeping for her children.)
32. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of God said: "God says:" When I return to My believing slave, the soul of the person he loves most in the world and he is patient in the hope of My reward, I have no other reward than Paradise for him. "(Al Bukhari)
33. Aisha said she asked the Messenger of God for the plague. He informed her that it was a scourge that God the Almighty sends on whom He wills. It has, however, a mercy for believers because it is not to be found in full fever epidemic that despite remaining in countries (not to spread the disease), armed with patience in the hope of reward and my conviction that only can achieve what God has predestined, who have a salary equal to that of the martyr. " (Al Bukhari)
34. Anas reports: "I heard the Messenger of God say:" Almighty God Mighty said: "When I feel my slave in the two things he loves most (his eyes) and he is patient, I give the Paradise in compensation for their loss." (Al Bukhari)
35. 'Ata' Ibn Rabah said: "Ibn 'Abbas said:" Do you want me to show you a woman whom God destined to Paradise? "I say," Yes. " He said: "This black woman came to the Prophet saying:" I have seizures in which I sometimes find myself in spite of myself. So pray for me God! " He said: "If you will wait, heaven and you, if you want I pray God for your healing, I do it and He will heal you. " She said: "I would rather wait." Then she added: "Sometimes in these crises to discover me, pray to God that this does not happen again." And he prayed for her. " (URA)
36. 'Abdullah UBN Mas'ud said: "It's as if I saw even the messenger of God telling the story of one of the Prophets (AS) that his people had hit the point of shedding blood. He wiped the blood from his face and said: "Lord God! My people acquitted because he is ignorant. " (URA)
37. According to Abu Sa'id and Abu Hurayra, the Prophet said: "There is no fatigue or illness, or concern, or sentence, or bad, or anxiety that affects the Muslim, to the thorn that pricks him, unless God removes him because of that some of his sins. " (URA)
38. Ibn Mas'ud said: "I introduced me to the Prophet while he was dying. I say: "O Messenger of God! So now you are suffering in cruel! ". He said: "Yes really. I suffer as much as two persons. " I say "Because you have two salaries as well?" He said, "Yes, well. There is no Muslim who suffers from an evil, a thorn prick, or something more important, that God does not erase it because of that his evil deeds and sins without falling as the leaves fall from the tree. " (URA)
39. Abu Hurayrah said that the Messenger of God said: "He who has God wills good to see what to hit in the dearest." (Al Bukhari)
40. According to Anas, the Messenger of God said: "None of you should wish for death to an evil from which he suffers. If he absolutely must do he says: "Lord God! Keep me alive as long as life is dearer and let me die if death is dearer. (URA)
41. Ibn Al Khabbab Aratt said: "We pitied one day to the Messenger of God while he was lying in the shade of the Ka'ba, leaning her head on his mantle. We said: 'What you callin for us God's help? What do you pray for us. " He said: "Among those before you, you took one of them, he dug a hole and we put into it. Then they brought a saw that he placed on his head sawed off and we into two pieces. Either we went over his head an iron comb to snatch what was beneath his flesh and bones. But this just could not deny him his faith. By God, God will do this thing (Islam) until the traveler to go on horseback from San'a 'to Hadramawt fearing God or the wolf for his flocks. " (In another version: "Then he rested his head on his coat and we had suffered harsh torments from the idolaters).
42. Ibn Mas'ud said: "When was the famous day Houneyn (name of the fierce battle that pitted Muslims in the coalition Bedouin headed by the tribe before the Haouazin mountainous stronghold of Ta'if year VIII of the Hegira) the Messenger of God gave preferences to some portion of the loot. Thus he gave to Al Aqra ibn Habis hundred camels. He gave the same to 'Ouyayna Ibn Hisn. He also gave people among the Arab nobility by encouraging the sharing. Someone said, 'By God, here is a good distribution and that lack of justice or was not seeking the good pleasure of Allah. "I actually went to him and told him the thing. His face turned bright red and said, "Who is right if God and His Messenger are not?" Then he added: "May God have Moses Mercy! He was in fact far greater harm and yet he endured patiently. "I said:" I would certainly send him never to speak after c he said. "(URA)
43. Anas said: "The Messenger of God said:" When God wills good for His slave, He accelerates his punishment in this world. When He wants ill of His slave, He fails to punish him for his mistake until he receives his punishment in full the day of resurrection. The Prophet also said: "The greatness of the reward is consistent with the magnitude of the event. God, when He loves people, experiences. Whoever accepts the challenge with dedication will have the satisfaction of God, and him who opposes his displeasure, God will be displeased with him. "(Attirmidhi)
44. According to Anas, a son of Abu Talha was the ultimate suffering. Abu Talha went out and then the child gave up the ghost. When Abu Talha returned home, he said: "When it happened to my son?" Um Souleym (his wife) said: "It is now quieter than ever." She gave him his dinner he ate and then had intercourse with her. When he had finished, she said: "Go bury the child." The next morning, Abu Talha went to the Prophet and so informed. He asked: "Have you had sex?" He said, "Yes" He said, "Lord God! Bless their reports! She gave birth to a boy. Abu Talha said to me: "Go take it to the Prophet and he sent some dates with him. The Messenger of God asked: "Have you brought something with him?" I say, "Yes, dates. The Prophet took it and chewed them. He then placed his hand and he stuck to his palace. He gave him the name Abdullah. (URA)
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