God said :
9119: "O you who believe! Fear God and be with the truthful. "
33.35: "... those who are always truthful and sincere."
47.21: "If they kept their promise to God, it would be much better for them."
As for the hadith:
54. Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet said: "Sincerity leads to good works and good works lead to Paradise. The man never ceases to tell the truth until it was mentioned to God as the true. Lying leads to evil actions (rebellion against God) and evil actions lead to Hell. The man continues to lie until it was mentioned before God as the liar. " (URA)
55. Al-Hasan ibn 'Ali said: I heard the Messenger of God as follows: "Let which is doubtful to what is safe because the truth is a source of peace and lying is a cause for concern." (Tirmidhi)
56. Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, in his long story about Hercules, said: "Heracles we asked (about the Prophet): "What are the requirements that you have done?". I replied: "He told us to worship God alone and without Him nothing unique associate, to leave what our fathers say (that is to say, to abandon our old beliefs). He commands us to pray, to have pure morals and to respect the ties of kinship. " (URA)
57. Sahl ibn Houneyf, a veteran of the Battle of Badr reports: "The Prophet said:" He who sincerely ask God to make him a martyr, God is reaching the level of the martyrs even if he dies in bed . ' Muslim)
58. According to Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of God said: "One of the former prophets (as) began a military campaign. He told his people: "What I fail to follow the one who just married a woman who has not had relations with her he wanted. Whoever builds a house and has not yet raised the roof. Whoever bought animals pregnant and awaiting the arrival of their little ones. " When he was close to the city he wanted to attack it was time for the prayer of the afternoon ('Asr) or a little earlier. (He was left with gift shortly before his battle to lead the Maghrib prayer). He told the Sun: "You are under the command (of God) as I am myself. Lord God, we stopped for the race, "and the sun stood still until God gave him victory. He made a lot of loot and the fire came from heaven to devour him (as a sign of approval from God) but did nothing (God refused this offering). He said: "One of you has stolen something from this loot. A man from each tribe goes forth to make me pledge allegiance! ". When the hand of one of them touched that of the Prophet, he said: "The thief is in your tribe." They then brought a head of gold, as head of a cow. He placed it on the rest of the booty and the fire came this time to devour it. I must tell you that indeed the spoils of war have never been allowed any nation before us (Muslims). Then God made them lawful, seeing our weakness and poverty. " (URA)
59. According to Hakim Ibn Hizam, Messenger of God said : "The seller and buyer are free (to conclude the sale or cancel it) until they separate. If they were sincere and they have nothing hidden defects in their goods, God bless them for sale. But if they have these hidden faults and they have lied, it carries its blessing. " (URA)
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