Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Post Implantation Discharge

The return to God or repentance

The scholars said: "Repentance from sin is an obligation:

a) If it is a disobedience between man and God exalted, not related to the right of a human, to repent three conditions to be acceptable to God: 1. We must stop immediately désobéir.2. One feels regret at having désobéi.3. We decided to never return to this disobedience.

If any of these 3 conditions is lacking, repentance is no longer valid.

b) If such disobedience lese a human being, repentance then 4 conditions: the previous three and one must also fulfill the law of the victim. If it be money or other thing, we must restore it. If it is a calumny uttered against him, we must make available to receive the punishment, or attempting to obtain his pardon. If it is a scandal, it should also apologize. We must repent of all sins. If the sinner repents only of some of his sins, people just say that his repentance is valid with regard to those sins, but he must repent of what remains. The arguments of the Book of Sunnah and the consensus of the community are unanimous in saying that repentance is required.
God the Almighty has said:

24.31 "... Come all to God, O believers! Maybe you will reap success. "

2.3 "Beg your pardon of your Lord and then return to Him."

66.8 "O you who believe! Return to God in a sincere return. "

Regarding the hadith:

13. Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of God say: "By God! Surely I repent every day more than seventy times "(Al Bukhari)

14. Al Asghar Ibn Yasar al Mouzanî said: The Messenger of God said: "O people! return to God and implore Him your absolution I repent myself a hundred times a day "(Muslim)

15. Anas Ibn Malik Al Ansari, the servant of the Messenger of God said: The Messenger of God said: "Surely God is pleased with the repentance of His slave than not rejoice when one of you is by chance after his camel having lost in a desert land (URA)
And in the Muslim version of God Welcomes His slave certainly when it comes to him more than welcomes one of you who was on his horse in a desert land . She escapes suddenly, taking his food and drink. He despairs of seeing her and lies under the shade of a tree with no hope of recovering his horse. However it is so, why, his Frame stands before him. He grabbed her by the bridle and said as a result of his joy: "Lord God! You are my slave and I am your lord "(so it was confusing having joyful).

16. According to Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, the Prophet said: "Allah Almighty extends His Hand at night to accept the repentance of the sinner of the day and the day to accept the repentance of the sinner of the night and until the sun rises in the West (the Day of Resurrection) "(Muslim).

17. According to Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of God said: " Whoever repents before the sun rises from the West, God accepts his repentance. " (Muslim).

18. According to 'Abdullah ibn' Umar that the Prophet of God said: "God glorified and honored to accept the repentance of the slave (= man) until it is the agony of death." (Tirmidhi)

19. Zirr Ibn Houbeysh said: "I went to Safwan ibn 'Assal to ask him about the passing of hands over the shoes. He said: "What makes you come, O Zirr? . I say: "The pursuit of knowledge." He said "The Angels lower their wings (out of respect and humility) to one that is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge." I say "My mind has not accepted the permission of the passing of hands after the defection and urine, and you are one of the Companions of the Prophet. So I came to ask you if you've heard such a thing. " He said "Yes, and we ordered when we were traveling, not to remove our shoes for three days and nights except for staining with the exception of major bowel movements, urine and sleep. I said, 'Have you heard something about those we love? . He said: "Yes. We were with the Messenger of God on a journey. While we were with him, that's called a Bedouin in a voice that was very strong, "O Muhammad! The Messenger of God replied, almost in the same tone: "Here I am! . I said to the Bedouin: "Woe to you! Your voice down a little! . He said: "By God I will not give my voice." Then he said: "The man loves some people but can not reach their level (to be with them in Paradise), tell me what you think! . The Prophet said: "On the Day of Resurrection, the man is with those he loved." Then he kept talking until we he cited a door that opens to the west and a width equivalent to the path of the rider for forty or seventy years. Souyân, one of the narrators, said: "This door opens towards Syria. Allah Almighty has created the same day he created the heavens and the earth, open to repentance and not closing again until the sun rises on his side. " (Tirmidhi)

20. According to Abu Sa'id Al Khoudri, The Messenger of God said: "Among those before you there was a man who had killed ninety nine. He asked what was the greatest scientist of the earth. He appointed a monk. He went to him and told him he had killed ninety nine. Is he still a chance to repent? "The monk said once:" No ". It killed him instantly and completed to one hundred the number of its victims. Then he asked what was the wisest man on earth. He pointed down to one. He said: "I killed a hundred people. Do I have any chance to repent? He said: "Yes and what that implies for your return to God? Go to any country. Here live people who are worshiping God exalted. Worship God with them and do not look back over to your country because it is a land of evil. " So he began running and when it was at half way he was overtaken by death. Angels of Mercy (those who accept the dying approved by God) fought about it with the angels of torment (some wanting to intend the other wanting to Paradise to Hell the earmark). Angels of mercy said: "He came full of repentance wishing with all his heart back to God." Angels torments said: "He never did well in his life." Then an angel came to them in human form. They took him as arbitrator. He told them: "Measure the distance that separates Earth from evil and that which separates Earth well. Destine to the next one he is closest. " They measured and found it was closer to the land he wanted to join and they were the angels of mercy that he withdrew his soul. (FRU).
In another version: "The virtuous city was closer to one palm and therefore it was credited to its inhabitants." In a third version: "Allah Almighty inspired the earth of evil to depart and it's good to get closer. Then he said: "Measure the distance between them." They found it was more like a palm of the city well. So he was absolved of his sins.

21. 'Abdullah Ibn Ka'b Ibn Malik said: "I heard Ibn Malik Ka'ab told his famous story when the company falsified Messenger of God during the Tabuk expedition. Ka'b said: I have never parted company the Messenger of God in any of his campaigns except that of Tabuk. But I have not participated in the battle of Badr, and at that time, none of those who had not received time off for that reproach. Is that the Messenger of God was released with the Moslems to the search of the trailer (commercial) of Qoreysh until Allah Almighty put them face to face with their enemy, without prior appointment. I actually witnessed the Messenger of God from the night of 'Aqaba when we signed our agreement on the basis of Islam. Now I will not give such an honor in exchange for my participation in the battle of Badr, although people mention it more often than the covenant of Al Aqaba in question. In terms of my defection from the expedition of Tabuk, I have never been stronger nor wealthier than when I made default. By God, I never possessed before her two horses at once. The Messenger of God Never attempt an expedition without seeming to move to another (to deceive the spies of the enemy) till it was around this expedition he made in a period of very hot weather. So he set out for a long trip (the borders of Palestine) into a vast arid desert country. It would also meet many enemies. So he said this time the Muslims their true destination so that they take steps accordingly. Many Muslims were with him, but did no record mentioned. Ka'b said, "So that he who wished to desert was almost certain to go unnoticed, unless God makes a Quranic revelation about it. So the Messenger of God undertook this expedition at a time when the fruit was ripe and where the shade was very desirable. Now I was the man most eager to enjoy these fruits and this shadow. The Messenger of God had equipped as Muslims with him. As for me, I went every morning to equip myself but I returned without having done anything, telling me, every time that I could do now that I wanted. This situation lasted until the Muslims had redoubled its efforts in their preparations, and the next morning, they took the road to war with the Messenger of God. I had not yet prepared to be their own. So I returned home, again without having done anything. So they took me on too much advance. At one point, however, I wanted to leave their traces (and how I wished I did!) But God does not predestined me for this honor. Every time I mingled with people after the departure of the Messenger of God I saw myself as someone like that weighed heavily on a shade of hypocrisy or at one of these low that God had exempted because of disease. The Messenger of God does not, however, quoted my name until he arrived at Tabuk. While he was sitting with a number of people, he said later: "So what did Ka'b Ibn Malik? . Banned from someone Salam said: "O Messenger of God! It was probably chosen to Medina by the beauty of his clothes and his vanity. " Mu'adh Ibn Jabal said to him: "How many ugly words you just uttered! O Messenger of God! We never heard about it as well. " The Messenger of God said nothing. Meanwhile on the horizon appeared a man dressed in white jutting out into the mirage. The Messenger of God said: "Be Abu Khaythama! "And it was actually Abu Khaythama the Ansar. It was he who had formerly Alms a few handfuls of dates, which earned him the nicknames of hypocrites. Ka'b said: "When I heard the Messenger of God had made their way back from Tabuk, I was overcome with great sadness. I began to think of some lie to justify myself by saying to myself: "What excuse is good to get out of his anger? I took this advice to people in my family. When I heard that the Messenger of God was now at hand, all bad feelings disappeared from my mind and I knew well that nothing could save me from his wrath. So I decided to choose instead the path of sincerity. The next morning he was back. However, when returning from a trip, he always reserved his first visit to the mosque. He made two units of prayer and then sat down to greet people. It came to him while those who did not follow him with their apologies forcefully oaths. They were a little over eighty. He accepted their apparent condition, pleasant and implored their allegiance to their divine absolution while leaving to God to judge what they hid themselves. That's when I came myself. When I greeted him, he smiles the way of someone angry and then said: "Come here! . I walked and sat down before him. He says: "What was it that prevented you join us? Did not you already bought your horse? I say: "O Messenger of God! If I was now before another that you of all people in this world, I would have thought that I would get by some excuse, especially since I have the gift of polemic. But, by God, I really knew that if I told you today about lying to please you, God would not strike me away from His Wrath, and if I told you the simple truth that may annoy you somewhat against me, I could expect a successful conclusion on the part of God Almighty. By God, I had no excuse to stay behind. By God, I've never been as strong or as rich as when I've been sensing. The Messenger of God said, 'Here's someone who spoke sincerely. Stand up and going in there until God speaks to you His decision! . The homes of the tribe of Bani Salama came out after me and said: "By God, we never learned about yourself that you've committed a sin before that. You might have apologize to the Messenger of God as apologized other deserters. He would have been enough to God that His Prophet to pray for your absolution. " He said: "By God, they have not ceased to reproach me until I wanted to return to the Messenger of God to return to my initial statements. Then I tell them: "Do others in my case? They said: "Yes, there are two men who held the same about you and who obtained the same answer." I say: "Who are they? . They said: "Mourara Arraba Ibn Al Amri and Hilal ibn Al Oumaya Waqif. He said: "They called me here two good men who had participated in the battle of Badr and were worthy of being taken as an example. When summoned me, I left. The Messenger God forbade the meantime we've spoken to all three between those who had deserted. So people were avoiding us (or he said: "changed their attitude towards us") so I could not recognize the land as it was more than I knew. We remained in this situation fifty long nights. As for my two companions in misfortune, they were resigned to their fate, kept their house and did not stop crying. For my part, I was the youngest and strongest of the three. I went out to take part in prayer with Muslims and I wandered the market without anyone m'adressât speech. Every time I went to the Messenger of God, I greeted him while he was sitting after the prayer. I wondered to myself whether or not he moved his lips in response to my hello. Then I placed myself to pray beside him, and I furtively spying. When I immersed myself in prayer, he looked at me and when I turned towards him, he turned away from me. When the quarantine Muslims lasted too long for me, I did not hesitate to climb over the wall of Abu Qatada, he was my cousin and one of my dearest friends I sent him the hello. By God, he did not even let me go. I told him: "O Abu Qatada ! I beg God to tell me if you know that I love God and His Messenger. " He paused. I come back again and he was silent again. I insisted again and I finally said: "Allah and His Messenger are more likely to know." My eyes overflowed with tears. I went back and passed over his wall. As I strolled through the shopping streets of Madinah, now a Nabataean (farmer) from Syria, from those with wheat for sale, shouted: "Who can tell me where Ka'b Ibn Malik? . People began to refer to me until he came to me and gave me a letter from the king Ghassan. I knew then read. So I read the letter and there was this: "Now, therefore, we have learned from your companion (the Prophet) is cool with you and God did not put in a house of humiliation and abandonment. Join us then and we will console you woes. I say after reading: "Surely even one of these events which overwhelm me in those moments." I went with the letter to the bread oven and burned until I spent forty nights audience would (quarantine imposed). The revelation of God was slow in coming (to clear my name). Then the Messenger of God came and said: "The Messenger of Allah commands you to do more approaching your wife. " I told him: "Should I divorce her? Or what should I do? . He said: "No, but isolating yourself and just do it approach". He sent the same message to my two companions. I told my wife: "Go back to your family and stay there until God pronounces His decision in this case." The wife of Hilal Ibn Oumaya came to tell u Messenger of God: "O Messenger of God! Hilal Ibn Oumaya is a lost old man with no home. Is what you loath as I serve? . He said: "No, but it does not go near most! . She said: "By God, he is incapable of anything and, by God, he stop crying until the day since this sad affair. " Some of my parents told me: "Why do not you ask the Messenger of God permission to keep your wife as he allowed one of Hilal Ibn Oumaya to serve? . I say: "I will not ask permission to keep it because I know what I would tell the Messenger of God if I asked her permission while I'm young." I stayed ten nights as well, so we were fulfilled for fifty nights since it was forbidden to speak to us. Then I made the prayer of dawn the day after the fiftieth night on the roof of one of our homes. As I sat in this state which God has spoken in His Book ("until they were felt cramped in the land despite its size") I suddenly heard the voice of someone shouting from the top of Mount Sala ' saying as loud as he could: "O Ka'b Ibn Malik! Rejoice in the good news! . I immediately fell in prostration knowing that something new had come to deliver me from my oppressive situation. The Messenger of God had announced during the dawn prayer that God had finally approved our repentance. People ran towards us to bring the good news. Two men went to tell my two companions and a third rushed in my direction at a gallop. Another man from the tribe of Aslam came running to me and, before the arrival of the rider on Mount Sala '. His voice was faster than the horse. When it came to me that I had heard the voice heralding good news, I took off my two tunics and I put it on him as a reward for his good news. By God, I had no other coats than there. I had to borrow two for me to cover myself. Then I went towards the Messenger of God, however, that the people greeted me with a group, I welcome the approval of my repentance and saying: "We congratulate you for the approval of your repentance by God." I entered finally to the mosque and now God's Messenger was sitting there among the people. He shook my hand and congratulated me. By God, none of the other Muhaajirun (exiles from Mecca) did not rise to meet me. Ka'b has never forgotten Talha this mark of friendship. Ka'b said: "When I greeted the Messenger of God, he said, beaming with joy:" Rejoice the best day you've ever known since your mother gave you birth! . I say: "Does this favor from you, O Messenger of God, or is it God? He said: "Instead of God Almighty." But when the Messenger of God was happy, his face beaming with light so that he looked like a piece of moon glow. We knew that from him. Once seated in front of him, I say: "O Messenger of God! To further prove my repentance, I would like to make charity a part of my possessions for God and His Messenger. " The Messenger of God said: "Keep some of your assets for yourself, it is best for you." I say: "I keep my share of the booty of Khaybar." I say further: "O Messenger of God! God Almighty has saved me not only because of my sincerity, and as further proof of my repentance, I will not say the truth as I live. " By God I never learned so far no Muslim has been better rewarded me by God for his sincerity since I said that the Messenger of God, I hope God protects me of lying for the rest of my life. " He said: "God then made down (revealed) the following verses:" God accepts the repentance of the Prophet, Mouhajirûn and the Ansar who followed him in difficult times .... " Until these words: "... It is certainly compassionate and merciful to them. He accepted also the repentance of the three who were left out until the earth became close to them well despite its size ... "until he came to these words: Fear God reverently and be among the truthful). Ka'b said: "By God, I never received God's greater grace since he guided me to Islam than to have been honest with the Messenger of God and not having him not tell lies. Otherwise I would have been lost, as were those who had lied. God Almighty had indeed said those who had lied when he sent down the revelation, the worst thing he had ever called someone: "They will swear by God, if you're back among them, that ye are of them. So turn away from them, because they are filthy creatures and their abode is hell as retribution for their crimes (95). They will make vows to you grant them your appreciation. If you give them, God does not give satisfaction to his misguided gent (96) "(Sura 9). Ka'b said: "As for us three, we were not among those who had sworn their sincerity to the Messenger of God who accepted their apologies and their allegiance and prayed for absolution. It was thus left our case pending until God should decide for us. God then said, "And he accepted the repentance of the three who were left behind. " He meant well, not that we had been left behind when the expedition of Tabuk, but it was left out against those who falsely swore to their innocence. (URA)
In another version: "The Prophet came out Thursday for the expedition of Tabuk. He loved indeed out on Thursday. " In another version: "He was returning from a trip in broad daylight in the morning. Once home, was his first visit to the mosque where he had two units of prayer before you sit. "

22. 'Omran ibn Husayn reported that a woman of the tribe of Jouhayna came to the Messenger of God when she was pregnant as a result of adulterous relationships. She said: "O Messenger of God! I broke one of the limits of God. Make me suffer the punishment that is needed ". The Prophet then made his next of kin to come and said: "Treat it well. When she gives birth to her child, come see me! And so he did. The Prophet then gave the order to properly tie his clothes to his body (to prevent it is discovered) then stoned. Once dead, he prayed over her. 'Umar said to him "O Messenger of God! You pray about it when she committed fornication? . He replied: "She has expressed repentance which, if shared among the seventy people of Medina, they would (to absolve). Have you ever found any more noble than his gift of his own life to God Almighty. ? (Muslim)

23. Ibn 'Abbas and Anas Ibn Malik, the Messenger of God said: "If the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would like a second. Only the earth can indeed fill his mouth. Yet God accepts the repentance of returning to Him "(URA)

24. According to Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of God said: "God glorified and exalted laughed at the sight of two men one of whom kills the other and yet both come to Paradise: One of them fought on the Road of God and is killed. And God accepts the repentance of the murderer who embraces Islam and knows when to turn a martyr for the cause of God. (URA)


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