When the deceased was placed in his tomb and the land was covered on it, the pit calls out in these terms: "Once you shall rejoice over me and now to eat you in my womb. " She continues to inflict as many harsh words and reprimands even took the earth has been entirely smoothed over him. Then it was the turn of the Angel called Rouman the challenge. Indeed it is reported that Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "O messenger of God! What is the first thing that meets the dead after its entry into the grave?" He said: "O Ibn Mas'ud, You ask me a question that nobody else made me before you. The first thing that happens is an angel called Rouman who calls . Indeed, this angel who travels the graves the challenges in these words "O servant of God! You'll transcribe all your actions. "The dead man replied:" I neither ink nor paper. "The angel said to him:" What? Your shroud will be your paper, your ink and your saliva your finger up your pen, "then he cut a piece of linen cloth and death begins to write, even though he would not have been able to write during his earthly life. écritalors and he remembers his good and his evil deeds as if he had done all in one day. Then the angel fold this piece of cloth wrapped around the neck of the dead. Then the Messenger of God (may God grant him grace and peace) recited wersts this: "We attach his neck destiny of every man." (Qur'an 17/12). Once completed, the dead come to see him two Provocateur's grave. They are two black angels tear the earth with their teeth behind their long hair on the ground, their voice roars like thunder, their eyes shining like lightning and pairs with the roaring wind blows. Each of them is holding an iron bar so huge that all creatures, human and Jinn, could not lift it together. If one of these two angels struck the biggest mountain with the bar, he would destroy.
When the soul of the dead see the two angels, she trembles with fear and fled and took refuge in the nostrils of death. It thus reviving life in the bosom of death that he had resumed its appearance in his last moments. He can not move but he sees and hears around him. Then both the Angels interrogentviolemment arrested and brutally

But there are men who can not articulate the correct answers during interrogation with two Angels. Thus, the man whose liver was imperfect (relative to the true faith) can not correctly answer: "God is my lord" and begins to babble other words. Then the two angels administer him a blow so brutal that caught fire while his tomb, then off for a few days before erupting again. Such is the state of that man as long as the earthly world.
There are also experiencing many difficulties and are unable to say: "Islam is my religion" because of his doubt or temptation that assailed him when their agony. Then they hit them at once grave and flares like the previous one. Tel
other experiences many difficulties to say: "The Qur'an is my guide," for he recited without regard to his teachings, without applying his commandments and obey his banned. He ran through his whole life and never drew any benefit for his soul. Also, the deals do we like the previous ones.
There are also including work on earth is transformed into a puppy for them to punish them in their tomb in proportion to their degree of guilt. It is also reported in the traditional stories for other men their works are métamorphosesnt in swine.
There are still those who fail to say: "Muhammad is my prophet" because they have neglected her Sunna (the Prophet's words and acts that constitute a model

This text was taken from the book "After death, life ..." very good book.
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