Surah 72: The Jinn (Al-Jinn)
1. Say: "It has been revealed that a group of jinn listened, then said:" We have heard a reading [the Koran] wonderful
2. guides to the righteousness. We believed, and we associate anyone with our Lord.
3. Verily our Lord - that His exalted be - has taken neither a wife nor a son!
4. Our sense [Iblis] said extravagances against God.
5. And we believed that neither human nor jinn could never utter a lie against God.
6. But there were among humans, males who took shelter with the male paris jinn but this only increased their distress.
7. And they thought as you thought God did raise up any one.
8. We had grazed the sky and we found it filled with strong guards and flaming.
9. We took our seats to listen. But whoever listens now finds himself against a meteor watching.
10. We do not know if we want to harm the inhabitants of the earth or whether their Lord wants place on the right path.
11. ago virtuous among us and [other] which are contrary: we follow divergent paths.
12. We thought that we can never reduce God to impotence on earth and that we can never reduce it to impotence in us running away.
13. And when we heard the guidance [the Qur'an], we believed, and anyone who believes in his Lord has no fear, either of reward or oppression.
14. There are among us Muslims, and there are those who do wrong [to have deviated]. And those who converted to Islam are those who sought righteousness.
15. And as for the unjust, they will form the fuel of Hell.
16. And if they are kept in the right direction, We'd drink, certainly abundant water,
17. to experience them. And whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He moved to an ever increasing punishment.
18. The mosques are for God, so invoke not anyone with God.
19. And when the servant of God stood up to invoke Him, they almost swarm all over him ..
20. Say: "I invoke my Lord and His associates do person."
21. Say: "I possess no power to hurt you or put you on the right path."
22. Say: "Truly, no one can protect me against God; and I never find any refuge besides Him.
23. [I can only convey] a communication and messages [from] God. And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger is the Fire of Hell to abide therein.
24. Then, when they see what they are promised, they will know which has the lowest relief and [which] are the least likely.
25. Say: "I do not know if what you are promised is near or whether my Lord will appoint for a period.
26. [He is] who knows the mystery. Does not divulge His Unseen to anyone,
27. except that which pleases Him as a messenger and that He is preceded and followed by vigilant guardians,
28. that He knows they have sent many messages of their Lord. It identifies (His knowledge) what is with them, and counted exactly anything. "
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