Monday, May 7, 2007

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Verse 3
45. The angels said: O Mary, Allah gives you good news here is a word from Him: his name will be "al-Masih" Issa, son of Mary, illustrious in this world as beyond, and those nearest to Allah "(al-Masih = Messiah) (Isa = Jesus).

46. He will speak to people in the cradle and in manhood and he is of good people. "

47. She said:" Lord! How can I have a child, when no man has touched me? "-" So! "he said. Allah creates what he wants. When He decrees a thing, he said only:" Be "and it is.

48. "And (Allah) will teach writing, wisdom (prophecy), the Torah and the Gospel

49. and will be the messenger to the children of Israel, (and say): "Verily, I come to you with a Sign from your Lord. For I shaped the clay, as the figure of a bird . And I heal those born blind and the lepers and I quicken the dead, by Allah's leave. And I tell you what you and eat what you store in your houses. This is a warning sign for you, if ye believe!

50. And I confirm that y 'in the Torah which was before me, and I will make lawful to you part of what was forbidden. I have come to a sign from your Lord. So fear Allah and obey me.

51. Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him: this is the right path. "

52. Then when Jesus perceived unbelief on their part, he said:" Who are my helpers in Allah's way? "The apostles said: "We are allies Allah. We believe in Allah. And bear witness that we are Muslims.

53. Lord! we believed in what Thou hast revealed and we follow the messenger. So write us down among the witnesses. "(Testifying that there is no other god but Allah and that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah) or (Allah is unique and Issa his prophet).

54. And they (the others) began to plot. Allah foiled their plot. And Allah knows best their machinations! (others = son of the infidels of Israel) (A conspiracy against Jesus)

55. Allah said: O Jesus, of course, I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and earthly life, get rid of those who disbelieved and to the Day of Resurrection, those who follow you above those who disbelieve not. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that wherein ye dispute.

59. For Allah, Jesus is like Adam He created him from dust, then said "Be" and he was.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

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Who are the Gog and Magog mentioned in the Quran?

Who is "Gog and Magog" (Arabic "wa Ya'jûj Ma'jooj ") mentioned in the Quran about the story Dhu-l-Qarnayn (Quran 18/94) and also as a harbinger of the proximity of the End Times (21/96)?

It is difficult to say categorically. However, we can say that they are human beings descended from Adam and Eve, physique quite normal. So be careful with these legends and folklore that are Gog and Magog as gigantic or tiny men, enlarged ears, etc.. These stories are not from the Qur'an and Hadith. See the criticism made of it by Ibn Kathir ( Bidaayah al-wa-n-Nihaya 2 / 118) and did Syohârwî ( Qassas ul-Qur'an 3/180-181 ).

In fact, if one accepts the research did Syôhârwî, "Gog and Magog" are the word sounds by which peoples of the East named sedentary tribes from Central Asia who regularly raided in cities to come and loot ( Qassas ul-Qur'an , Volume 3 pp. 184-195). and the Koran has taken those words, even if may appoint different people for different times depending ...

1. For the time for Cyrus II (Dhu-l-Qarnayn):

For the time for Cyrus II, according to as-Syohârwî, "Gog and Magog" designate Scythians , these semi-riders nomads, whose territory extended from north of the Black Sea north of the Caspian Sea. Occasionally crossing the mountains of the Caucasus through the Pass Darial they were ravaging the Northern Caucasus, where they were feared ( cf. Qassas ul-Qur'an, Volume 3 p. 207).

2. For the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and that of the Abbasid Caliphate:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said in his day (he died in the year 632 of the Gregorian era) that "a misfortune" would befall "Arabs" , before asserting that "had an opening in the wall of Gog and Magog" (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3168, Muslim, 2880). Have Syoharwî tells al-'Ayn, al-Qurtubi and al-Kirmani they wrote that this "opening" was taken in a metaphorical sense ( Qassas ul-Qur'an , Volume 3 pp. 220-221), and al-Kirmani that this speech announcing the invasion of the Mongols , other semi-nomadic tribe of Central Asia, so designated under the name "Gog and Magog" (ul-Qur'an Qassas , Volume 3 p. 221). These invasions, which would take place in the thirteenth century, were to ravage many regions and, as predicted by the Prophet to be a great misfortune for the Arabs. Indeed, they debouched on the killing of the Abbasid Caliph in 1258 and the looting of the flourishing capital Baghdad. And it was good in the seventh century, so at the time of the Prophet, the ancestors of these invaders began their movements. So, metaphorically, that "had an opening in the wall."

3. Regarding the time of the End Times:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the end times, Jesus (peace be upon him) will return to Earth destroy the Antichrist (ad-Dajjal ) and then he will receive God's order to take refuge with the believers on the Sinai to escape Gog and Magog, which will catch up whole countries. In the Quran, God refers to this final wave of Gog and Magog, to precede the low end of the World: "Until the Gog and Magog unfurl and they come down on every hill. The true promise [ = the end of the world] will then become close ... " (Quran 21/96-97). What are today
the ancestors of these people who will surge in the future, shortly before the end of the world , and were called "Gog and Magog" by God in this verse from the Koran and the Prophet in this Hadith? Would this be the peoples of the Far East, aggregated around those who, "when they wake up, shake the world", and breaking on a large part of the world? We can not say.

Wallâhu A'lam (God knows best).

Saturday, April 28, 2007

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The appearance of the Antichrist and the return of Christ Jesus son of Mary

The Prophet (peace be upon him) announced that at the end of time God would send a litmus test: the emergence of the Antichrist (in Arabic: "Ad-Dajjal" - "the great Deceiver "- or" al-ul-A'war Kaddhâb "-" Borgne Liar "), a man who will reign over almost the entire earth and during the reign of anyone who does not believe in him will in huge material difficulties. The Prophet then announced God would return to Jesus son of Mary (in Arabic: "al-Massih Issa ibn Maryam", "Massih " is the Arabic form of "messiah" as " Christ" is Greek translation) for the confrontation with the Deceiver.

The Deceiver is a young man (M 2937), is blind (B 2892, M 169) (within the meaning of "blind eye" instead of "Cyclops"), very curly hair (B 6709 ) every believer will read, written between his eyes [or on the bottom of his forehead], letters that mean "disbelief" or "unbeliever" (M 2933).
The Deceiver
invite people to bring faith in him: a Hadith predicts that claim to be God's prophet (BEF 13/109), others that claim to be God (A 19665); another Hadith states that d First he tells the prophet, then God (QA p. 60). Perhaps in the first place and to some men, the Deceiver will look like a prophet of God, and that, and then in front of other men, he says he is God or His avatar, down to earth realize the grand finale for the good of humanity, or else that these other people are saying to themselves that it is the avatar of God and do not contradict. The Deceiver

appear, According to some Hadith, a place situated between Syria and Iraq (M 2937), and from others, in Isfahan (FB 13/400): this difference may be explained thus: there appear to first in one of these places, but its world-class will be from the other place (QA p.146, footnote on page).

The Deceiver will have with him food and drink in abundance (B 6705, M 2939, IM 4073), and it will rain, the crops will grow, bring out the buried treasure (M 2937) and all those who bring faith in him will be in the material well-being, while those who refuse to make faith in him and remain faithful to God will end up with nothing (M 2937). It will pass near people, they call him a liar, and shortly thereafter, all animals die (FB 13/131). The Deceiver will even be able to heal the man born blind and the leper (TTNM 38).

The Deceiver will help by spirits - those who are called in Arabic jinn -: they will materialize in the form of dead relatives of a person, and enjoindront to it to believe the Deceiver ( QA p. 61). The Deceiver will also be a "paradise" and a "hell", and reward people based on their belief or disbelief in him, but enter his paradise will lead to enter the real hell in the hereafter, and give up his paradise and risk being thrown into hell its lead to enter Paradise in the Hereafter (B 3160, M 2936, after a review of those mentioned in FB 13 / 124). The presence of

Deceiver on the world stage will be forty days: the first three days but will have a longer than usual to the point that the Prophet said that Muslims should, these days, perform prayers with reference to time normal and not just apparent movement of the sun in the sky (M 2937). The Deceiver will move with extraordinary speed (M 2937). And there will be no city on earth where it does, except the cities of Mecca and Medina (B 1782, M 2943). Some Hadith also say he can not enter Bayt ul-Maqdis (FB 13/130-131), is this the whole Temple Mount, or the al-Aqsa mosque only? The fact is that the reign of the Deceiver will be established over all the earth except in these three places: the cities of Mecca and Medina, most Bayt ul-Maqdis (FB 13/131). The Deceiver

come to Medina to the east (M 1380); the top of Mount Uhud, seeing the Prophet's mosque, he told his followers: "You see that White Palace? Is the mosque of Ahmad" (FB 13/117). The Deceiver would attempt to enter Medina, but on each channel for entering the city, he will face the presence of two angels, and can therefore penetrate (B 6707). While he will camp near the city of Medina will shake the earth, and hypocrites living in the city so far come out and join the Deceiver (B 1782, M 2943), the Prophet said: "It will be the day of issue [with respect to the presence of hypocrites in my city] " (FB 13/117).

that day (M 2938), a Muslim in his youth (M 2937) will travel with the army's Deceiver, and asked the guards to it to let him meet the great liar. At these words the guards will get angry and about to kill the boy, but then, remembering that their master forbade them to kill anyone without his permission, changing his mind, and lead the young Muslim from the Deceiver and as soon as the young believer will see, they will say: "O men, I testify that the Deceiver is that the Prophet had spoken!" The Deceiver will then lie back and hitting, then he will say "You do not believe in me? - You are the Messiah Liar" tell the young man. The Deceiver then order that this young man is sawed in half. He will walk between the two parts of body can say to this: "Arise" and the young man will rise again. "Do you believe in me now? tell him there. - I am even more convinced that you are the liar" answer the young man. The Deceiver, wanting to kill him again, can not do that anymore. "This man said the Prophet, will be one of the greatest martyrs in God" (M 2938; see also B 6713 with FB).

In the area of Medina, the Deceiver will leave for the region of Syria-Palestine (M 1380). For its part, the Mahdi will have withstood the military attacks by the army Deceiver's, but without showing significant success, and indeed many of those present alongside the Mahdi will have lost their lives in resisting the army of the Deceiver (TTNM 36). Finally the Deceiver and his Mahdi army besieging and a group of Muslims ("'min al-Muslimin issâba" FB 13/117, TTNM 20; "julluhum" ay "al-'Arab" TTNM 13; it will be the Muslims who will be alongside the Mahdi). These Muslims will find themselves surrounded in the Jordan Valley ("il-Batn Urdunn" TTNM 36) / Valley Afiq (TTNM 16) / on Mount Afiq (TTNM 48) / on the Mount called "Jabal ud-Dukhan (TTNM 31) / Jerusalem ("Ilia" = "Aelia" FB 13/117) / on - or - Mount in Jerusalem ("Jabal Ilia" TTNM 20) / Bayt ul-Maqdis (TTNM 13, 17, FB 13/131, this name is he by the city of Jerusalem, the entire Temple Mount, or al-Aqsa Mosque?). How can these elements so mixed I do not know not really:
- either it's different groups of people, some being besieged in the valley Afiq, others in Jerusalem;
- either this is one group of people besieged in the same instead, it was named differently depending on whether one considers the general area where this is necessary, or depending on whether one believes that particular place only (the hill on which is ul-Bayt would Maqdis named in Arabic "Jabal ud-Dukhan", all located in Jerusalem, the latter being located in the extension of the great valley of the Jordan and Afiq, there is however a problem in relation to this explanation is that another Hadith called "Jabal-ul khamr" Mount of Bayt ul-Maqdis ": M 2937, unless they are two different amounts of" Bayt ul-Maqdis "and that in the Hadith, the name "Bayt ul-Maqdis" itself means sometimes the plaza, now, by metonymy, the entire city of Jerusalem);
- either it's different episodes, the first being besieged Muslims throughout Valley Afiq, before having to retreat to Bayt ul-Maqdis and / or "node-Jabal Dukhan.
Wallâhu A'lam.

seat will be very challenging (TTNM 31): The siege will suffer terribly from hunger because they have nothing to eat (TTNM 16, 115). Then the Mahdi and his companions will take the resolution to end the next day and try all facing the besiegers (TTNM 20). At the end of the night when they are about to perform the dawn prayer (the second and quick call to prayer has already been given), the Messiah Jesus son of Mary will come to them : God will back down to where it is now, some Hadith say that it will come down to the east of Damascus (M 2937), others that it will come down to Jerusalem itself (on tatimma TTNM, p . 274): Some ulema gave preference ( tarjîh ) in the Hadith saying that Jesus will cool to Damascus, and then it's a road that will join the Mahdi Jerusalem (QA, p. 157, footnote on page) Ali al-Qari, it gave preference to the Hadith saying that Jesus back down to Jerusalem itself ( Mirqât ul-mafâtîh 10/197): many Hadith saying the Mahdi and his companions will be circled in Jerusalem, because we understand better than Jesus descended directly from them rather than having to come from Damascus (but God knows best what will happen).

Muslims ask the newcomer "Who are you? - I am Jesus son of Mary" answer he (TTNM 68). The Mahdi will ask Jesus to lead prayers of dawn, but it will say "You, you lead the prayer for each other: it is an honor that God gave to this community" (M 156). So the Mahdi who will lead this prayer and Jesus will do it under his direction. During prayer, after genuflecting, the Mahdi will deliver the invocation process (known as a "one-qunût Nazila): " God annihilate the Deceiver " (TTNM 24).

After the prayer, Jesus said: "Open the door!" (QA p. 63) (this is probably the door of the place where they are besieged esplanade mosques? al-Aqsa mosque? building located elsewhere?). The door will open. So when, on the other hand, the Deceiver will see Jesus, it will lose its consistency (M 2897; literally: "it will melt), then he will flee (QA p. 63). Jesus continues (M 2937, 2940). And it captured him near the gate of Lod, where he will end his life (M 2937). Then Jesus will go through the regions of the world comfort all those who, having remained faithful to God, have suffered tremendous hardship under the rule of the Deceiver: he will wipe their faces and talk about what is reserved for them in paradise ( M 2937).

Shortly after, God revealed to Jesus that Gog and Magog are about to sweep over the earth, and orders him to bring with him the believers take refuge on Mount Sinai (M 2937); a other version: in Lod (TTNM 36). Gog and Magog will surge into effect and destroy everything in their path and they muff Lake Tiberias (M 2937). Believers experience a terrible famine (M 2937). Jesus then pray to God to destroy these destroyers, prayer that God will grant making them die suddenly of an epidemic. Then Jesus and believers come out and then the land will be cleared of corpses Gog and Magog, and then heavy rain fall (M 2937).

Then open an era of peace and happiness will reign everywhere on earth, we will no longer be war anywhere (A 9068), no human will have no enmity or hatred against another (M 155), the blessing will appear everywhere on earth (M 2937), men refuse the money they offer (M 155), and even the wild beasts and snakes become harmless (A 9349).

This state of affairs will last seven years (M 2940).

Then Jesus died (A 9349, AD 4324). After his return to earth, there will be past seven years, or forty years (these are two different ways to reconcile two different Hadith, one saying that Jesus will remain on earth for forty years, the other saying that the state of world peace will last seven years - AS, p. 364 -: some scholars therefore considered that Jesus will remain only seven years after his return to earth, the Hadith saying "forty years" meaning he has lived in all forty years on earth thirty-three years before being raised to the heavens, and seven years after his return, another way to reconcile these two sayings is that after his return Jesus will live forty years, but only seven years will be those of total peace, since Many years will be spent wait while Gog and Magog will ravage the land, others to accomplish the premises which will ensure world peace and total).
When Jesus has breathed his last, the Muslims will perform the funeral prayer on him (AD 4324). Jesus is buried in Medina, near the Prophet (TTNM 26, 59: this is not a Hadith, but a word of Abdullah ibn Salam).

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

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The Prophet (PBUH) said: "There is no city that does not trample the Antichrist. There will be exceptions to that Mecca and Medina. It is none of paths to the latter city that is guarded by angels placed in rows. The Antichrist will move while in As-Sabakha (one of the saline depression). Then, Medina will undergo three earthquakes and then Allah will bring out any and all hypocritical miscreant.

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The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Would you like me posting about the Antichrist is a fact that no prophet had reported to his people? He is blind and he will bring with him a picture of Heaven and Hell. The two he named Paradise will indeed be hell. I've warned you like Noah had warned his people ".

One day the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) gave us a long account of the Antichrist. We said then, among other things: the Antichrist will come, but it would be prohibited from entering a paths leading to Medina. That day a man, the best man (or as a variant of the best men) will find him and tell him: "I certify that you are the Antichrist with the messenger of Allah spoken to us. "
" What would you say the Antéchrit (people) if I killed this man and if I then resurrected? the thing you doubt it? ".
-" No ", will answer it. Then he kills the man and the rise again, and then, when it will be resurrected, the man will say: "By Allah, I was no longer sure you were the Antichrist more than now." The Antichrist will then try to kill him, but he will be helpless against him.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Why Do Lots Of Black People Have Red Eyes


When the deceased was placed in his tomb and the land was covered on it, the pit calls out in these terms: "Once you shall rejoice over me and now to eat you in my womb. " She continues to inflict as many harsh words and reprimands even took the earth has been entirely smoothed over him. Then it was the turn of the Angel called Rouman the challenge. Indeed it is reported that Ibn Mas'ud (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "O messenger of God! What is the first thing that meets the dead after its entry into the grave?" He said: "O Ibn Mas'ud, You ask me a question that nobody else made me before you. The first thing that happens is an angel called Rouman who calls . Indeed, this angel who travels the graves the challenges in these words "O servant of God! You'll transcribe all your actions. "The dead man replied:" I neither ink nor paper. "The angel said to him:" What? Your shroud will be your paper, your ink and your saliva your finger up your pen, "then he cut a piece of linen cloth and death begins to write, even though he would not have been able to write during his earthly life. écritalors and he remembers his good and his evil deeds as if he had done all in one day. Then the angel fold this piece of cloth wrapped around the neck of the dead. Then the Messenger of God (may God grant him grace and peace) recited wersts this: "We attach his neck destiny of every man." (Qur'an 17/12). Once completed, the dead come to see him two Provocateur's grave. They are two black angels tear the earth with their teeth behind their long hair on the ground, their voice roars like thunder, their eyes shining like lightning and pairs with the roaring wind blows. Each of them is holding an iron bar so huge that all creatures, human and Jinn, could not lift it together. If one of these two angels struck the biggest mountain with the bar, he would destroy.
When the soul of the dead see the two angels, she trembles with fear and fled and took refuge in the nostrils of death. It thus reviving life in the bosom of death that he had resumed its appearance in his last moments. He can not move but he sees and hears around him. Then both the Angels interrogentviolemment arrested and brutally ent. At this time, the earth is for him like water: it can move at ease and did not encounter any obstacles. These two angels tell him, "Who is thy lord? What is your religion? Who is your Prophet? What is your Qiblah?". Whatever God has assisted and strengthened by a firm saying them: "Who asked you to take charge of me?" Then he adds: "God is my Lord, Muhammad is my Prophet, Islam is my religion." That's the answer can only make politicians who really know. Then one of two angels said to his companion: "He speaks the truth. We can not mistreat him because he knows his evidence." Then they enlarged the tomb over him giving him the form of a huge vault, and they are opening up on its right side a door to paradise. Then they line his grave with silk and adorned with aromatic plants from Paradise, and make it reach the breeze and the smell of it. His work on earth come to him, as the most lovable of creatures to keep him company, talking with him and fill his grave with light. Thus, the death is continuing to celebrate and rejoice as long as the earthly world and as the last time has not come, because nothing is more pleasant than to see happen.
But there are men who can not articulate the correct answers during interrogation with two Angels. Thus, the man whose liver was imperfect (relative to the true faith) can not correctly answer: "God is my lord" and begins to babble other words. Then the two angels administer him a blow so brutal that caught fire while his tomb, then off for a few days before erupting again. Such is the state of that man as long as the earthly world.
There are also experiencing many difficulties and are unable to say: "Islam is my religion" because of his doubt or temptation that assailed him when their agony. Then they hit them at once grave and flares like the previous one. Tel
other experiences many difficulties to say: "The Qur'an is my guide," for he recited without regard to his teachings, without applying his commandments and obey his banned. He ran through his whole life and never drew any benefit for his soul. Also, the deals do we like the previous ones.
There are also including work on earth is transformed into a puppy for them to punish them in their tomb in proportion to their degree of guilt. It is also reported in the traditional stories for other men their works are métamorphosesnt in swine.
There are still those who fail to say: "Muhammad is my prophet" because they have neglected her Sunna (the Prophet's words and acts that constitute a model behavior of the believers) . Similarly, there are those who can not say: "The Ka'aba is my Qibla," due to lack of scruples in his prayer or negligence in performing his ablutions minor, or because of his reversals in his prayers or poor performance of the actions of his Sujud (prostration). Or just know about the merits of the prayer that God does not accept the prayer of one who to other delay or prayer of one who wears clothes acquired illegally.

This text was taken from the book "After death, life ..." very good book.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

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As we approach its end marked by earthly death, four angels descend and begin his bedside: an angel to delight the soul of the dying from his right foot, second to steal from his left foot, a third from his right hand and a fourth from his left hand. Sometimes
and the realities of the other World may be revealed just before dying in agony are final, and according to the purity of his works, he sees the angels according to their attachments in their own world. Thus, if its language is still untied, he mentions their presence. He even repeated the description of what he sees, then believe that this is an illusion of Satan and stop all this when his tongue is tied, while the Angels are busy wrest his soul from the ends of his fingers.
(life after death (very good book))

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How the angels worship Allah ? THE

The Angels are creatures of Allah who have no possibility of disobedience, were created to worship Allah and obey Him. Thus Allah said

{... Angels do not disobey any rough order of Allah and doing everything they are commanded. } [Surah 66 - Verse 6]

{... And those who are with Him (angels) do not feel too big for The love and do not feel bored or tired. "They proclaim His glory and purity of the night and day, constantly.
} [Surah 21 - Verse 19-20]

{Those who bear the Throne and those around him sing the glory and praise of their Lord and believe in Him.
} [Surah 40 - Verse 7]

Or: {
those who are with your Lord (angels) sing His praises night and day without feeling any boredom.
} [Surah 41 - Verse 38]

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1. the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
2. Praise be to God, Lord of the universe.
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful,
4. Master of the Day of Judgement.
5. Thee [Single] we worship and Thee [Single] we ask for help.
6. Guide us the straight path,
7. the path of those whom Thou hast bestowed favors, not those who have incurred Your wrath, nor the misguided.

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Surah 72: The Jinn (Al-Jinn)

1. Say: "It has been revealed that a group of jinn listened, then said:" We have heard a reading [the Koran] wonderful
2. guides to the righteousness. We believed, and we associate anyone with our Lord.
3. Verily our Lord - that His exalted be - has taken neither a wife nor a son!
4. Our sense [Iblis] said extravagances against God.
5. And we believed that neither human nor jinn could never utter a lie against God.
6. But there were among humans, males who took shelter with the male paris jinn but this only increased their distress.
7. And they thought as you thought God did raise up any one.
8. We had grazed the sky and we found it filled with strong guards and flaming.
9. We took our seats to listen. But whoever listens now finds himself against a meteor watching.
10. We do not know if we want to harm the inhabitants of the earth or whether their Lord wants place on the right path.
11. ago virtuous among us and [other] which are contrary: we follow divergent paths.
12. We thought that we can never reduce God to impotence on earth and that we can never reduce it to impotence in us running away.
13. And when we heard the guidance [the Qur'an], we believed, and anyone who believes in his Lord has no fear, either of reward or oppression.
14. There are among us Muslims, and there are those who do wrong [to have deviated]. And those who converted to Islam are those who sought righteousness.
15. And as for the unjust, they will form the fuel of Hell.
16. And if they are kept in the right direction, We'd drink, certainly abundant water,
17. to experience them. And whoever turns away from the remembrance of his Lord, He moved to an ever increasing punishment.
18. The mosques are for God, so invoke not anyone with God.
19. And when the servant of God stood up to invoke Him, they almost swarm all over him ..
20. Say: "I invoke my Lord and His associates do person."
21. Say: "I possess no power to hurt you or put you on the right path."
22. Say: "Truly, no one can protect me against God; and I never find any refuge besides Him.
23. [I can only convey] a communication and messages [from] God. And whosoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger is the Fire of Hell to abide therein.
24. Then, when they see what they are promised, they will know which has the lowest relief and [which] are the least likely.
25. Say: "I do not know if what you are promised is near or whether my Lord will appoint for a period.
26. [He is] who knows the mystery. Does not divulge His Unseen to anyone,
27. except that which pleases Him as a messenger and that He is preceded and followed by vigilant guardians,
28. that He knows they have sent many messages of their Lord. It identifies (His knowledge) what is with them, and counted exactly anything. "

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Surah 79: The angels who tear out souls (An-Naziate)

1. For those who violently tear!
2. And those who gently!
3. And by those who float freely
4. then rushed at full speed,
5. and decide matters!
6. The day [the land] shakes [at the first sound of the bugle]
7. immediately followed by the second.
8. That day, there will be stirred hearts with terror,
9. and their eyes cast down.
10. They say: "What! Will we be back our first life,
11. when we are rotten bones? "
12. They say:" It will be a return with loss! "
13. There will be a summons
14. and now they are in the earth (resurrected).
15. the story of Moses reached thee?
16. When his Lord called Touw in the valley sanctified:
17. "Go to Pharaoh. Really, he rebelled!
18. Then tell him:" Would you purify yourself?
19. and that I guide thee to thy Lord that thou shouldst fear Him? "
20. He showed him the great miracle.
21. But he called it a lie and disobeyed
22. Then he turned back, went away hurriedly,
23. collected [people] and they made a proclamation,
24. and said: "I am your Lord, Most High".
25. So God seized him with the punishment of the Hereafter and the earthly.
26. There certainly is a lesson for him who fears.
27. Are you the harder to create? or heaven, He made it?
28. He raised high its height, then a perfectly ordered;
29. He darkened its night and brought out its light.
30. And as for the earth, moreover, it has scope:
31. He brought forth from it its water and pasture,
32. And the mountains hath He anchored
33. for your enjoyment, you and your cattle.
34. Then when the great cataclysm,
35. the day when man will remember what he strove for,
36. Hell will be fully visible to him who sees ...
37. As one who has exceeded the limits
38. and prefers this life,
39. then, hell will be his refuge.
40. And for him who feared standing before his Lord and forbids the soul from passion,
41. Paradise will be his refuge.
42. They ask thee concerning the Hour: "When will she drop anchor"
43. How [science] have you got to tell them?
44. His term is known only to thy Lord.
45. Thou art but a warner to him who fears.
46. The day they see it, they had tarried a day or the morning.