Many factors prevent people from thinking. A single thought, some or all of them can prevent a person from thinking and seeing the truth. In this regard, it is necessary for everyone to identify factors that affect it negatively and dispose of it. If we do not, you can not see the true face of earthly life and could cause a huge loss in the Hereafter.
In the Quran, God tells us about people who are accustomed to thinking superficially
They know an outward aspect of the present life, while they are heedless of the Hereafter. Do they not reflect within themselves? God created the heavens and the earth and everything between them except with truth and for a fixed term. Many people however do not believe in the meeting with their Lord. (Sura 30, "the Romans", v. 7-8)
Follow the majority causes mental sinking
One of the questions that drive more people into error in their belief that "the majority "right. Generally, humans are inclined to accept what the people around him, teach him rather than uncovering the truth after his own reflection. He sees things that seem surprising at first sight are mostly regarded as trivial by others and are not even noticed by them. Therefore, after a while he begins himself to get used to.
For example, most people belonging to his entourage forget that she will die one day. Nobody lets others talk about this to avoid having to remember the dead. The person who looks around and makes this statement says, "Since everyone is so, there should be nothing wrong about my behavior and that of others" and thus she begins to turn to live without ever remember death. If, on the contrary, people living around it had acted in fear of God and had fought diligently for the Hereafter, that person would probably also changed its attitude.
Another example concerns the hundreds of information that is reported daily on television and magazines and talking about disasters, injustice, suicide, homicide, robbery, embezzlement and thousands of people destitute . Many people who read the new turn the pages of the newspaper or change the channels on their TV quietly. In general, people do not know why there is so much information of this kind, which must be done and what kinds of decisions must be taken to prevent them or what they themselves can do. Those who live around them did not reflect these problems. Most people hold others responsible, and naturally, it is not for them "the responsibility to save the world".
The mental indolence
Indolence is a factor that prevents most people think about what they do. Because of mental laziness, people make all acts of their lives as they have always seen them and how they are used to seeing. To As an example of our daily lives, women's household the way they saw their mother before they do. Generally, they do not think about how they could do things in a more appropriate and more practical. Similarly, when it comes to fix something, men use the methods they were taught from childhood. They are generally reluctant to employ a new method that could yet prove to be more responsive and more efficient. Modes of expression are also the same people. For example, how to talk to an accountant is the same as those other accounting he has encountered in his life. Doctors, bankers, vendors, and to summarize those who belong to the same occupational categories have similar modes of expression. They do not try to find a more appropriate language, better and more efficient with a personal reflection. They are imitating what they heard.
The solutions also show the difficulties facing the apathy of many people when it comes to thinking. For example, the manager of a building will apply to the garbage problem in the same solution as that which was brought by previous managers. The Mayor tries to solve the traffic problem in his city the same way as did its predecessors. In many cases, lack of reflection, we can not find new solutions.
Indisputably, the examples cited here are problems that are hurting people in their daily lives. But there are things far more important than these and they can harm people if there are eternal not think.
When we do not think the purpose of existence here, we despise the idea that death is inevitable and that we will face arguably the Day of Judgement, the sinking is inevitable. In the Qur'an, God invites people to reflect on these fundamental things:
These are the ones who caused the loss of their own souls. And inventions (idols) were distant from them. They, inevitably, that in the Hereafter will be the biggest losers. Certainly those who believe and do good works and humble themselves before their Lord, these are the dwellers of Paradise shall they dwell. The two groups are similar, one blind and deaf, the other one who sees and hears. Both are they equal? Do not you remember? (Sura 11, "Hud", v. 21-24)
one who creates it is similar to one that creates not? Do not you remember? (Sura 16, "bees", v. 17)
The conditioned response that "thinking too much is not healthy"
There is a widespread belief in society that suggests that too much thinking is not good. People will notify each other by saying: "Do not think much, you lose your head." This is nothing less than a superstition invented by people who are far from religion. People should not avoid each other to think, but they must stop thinking negatively and get carried away with mistakes and exaggerated scruples.
Since those who do not have a firm faith in God and the Hereafter thinking without committing to do it well, but instead they are negative, they get by their contemplation of the results that they are not profitable at all. For example, if think the fact that earthly life is temporary and one day they will die, it plunges them into a great pessimism. This is because they actually realize that the life they go without following the commandments of God reserves a miserable end in the Hereafter. Others meanwhile are pessimistic because they believe they will disappear completely after their death.
A wise person who believes in Allah and the Hereafter draws conclusions quite different when she reflects on the transience of earthly life. First, his awareness that the world is temporary because the fight fervently for his future and eternal life in the hereafter. Since it knows that life will end sooner or later, it does not leave away by the ambition of his passions and interests in this world. It is extremely resigned. Nothing in this life only temporary boredom. She strokes still hope to achieve eternal life and pleasant. She also enjoys many benefits and beauty of this world. God created the world to experience incomplete and imperfect men. The intelligent person think that if there are already so many beauties that amaze in this incomplete and imperfect world, the beauty of Paradise must be inconceivably more attractive. He hopes to see in the Beyond the "original" each wonder he sees here. And only by thinking hard as he can understand all these things.
It would be a great loss to worry and say: "And if I became pessimistic finally discovering the truth ..." and then refrain from thinking. For a person who by virtue of his faith in God, think positively and always keep hope, there is nothing that can lead to pessimism.
Skip reflection on the responsibilities
Most people think they could dodge various responsibilities by not thinking about certain issues and make their brains work. In doing so, they manage to stay out of many subjects. A major means by which people are fooled is the assumption that they can escape their responsibilities towards their Lord if they do not think. This is the main reason people do not believe in death or eternal life. If the man admits that he will die one day and he remembers that there is an eternal life after death, it will necessarily have to fight hard for that future life. However, he deceived into thinking that this will escape liability if he does not think the existence of the afterlife. It is an obvious deception. If man does not find the truth in this world through reflection, he understood at the time of his death there was no escape for him.
The agony of death reveals the truth: "That's what you turn away." And we blow the trumpet. This is the Day of the threat. (Surah 50, Qaf, v. 19-20)
Do not think because we are carried away by the daily
Most people spend their whole life in a way rushed. When they reach a certain age, people have to work, take care of themselves and their families. They call it "the struggle for life" and they constantly complain they have no time to do anything because they have to run here and there for this fight. In this so-called "lack of time," is a reflection of things for which they can not find any spare minute. Therefore, they are swept where their lives lead them. Because of this lifestyle, they become insensitive to the events taking place around them.
But the aim of man should not be spending his time running from one place to another. The main problem is to see the true face of this world and to adopt a mode of living. The sole objective of many comes down to making money, going to work, attend university or buying a home. Certainly, the man must do all these things during his life, but there is a goal that should guide when he realizes: the purpose of his existence in this world is to be the slave of God, to strive for His pleasure, His mercy and His Paradise. All other activities can only serve as a "means" to achieve this goal. The adoption of means to achieve certain goals such as real targets is a serious mistake by which Satan deceives man.
Someone who lives without thinking can easily take such means as objective reality. We can cite an example of our daily lives. It is certainly a good action to work and produce things that benefit society. A person who believes in God does these actions with enthusiasm and expects a reward from Him in this world as well as in the Hereafter. By cons, if a person does the same thing without thinking God but only for personal interests such as status or people's eyes, she is mistaken. She did something she had to serve as a means of obtaining the use of land, its purpose. She will regret when she will face the realities of the afterlife. In one verse, God refers to those who have this behavior in the life of this world using these terms:
It was the same for those who have gone before: they were stronger than you, richer and had more children. They enjoyed their lot [this world] and you've enjoyed yours, as your predecessors have enjoyed their lot. And you talked at random through as they had discussed. Those will have their works are fruitless in this world and another, and those are the losers. (Sura 9, "return to God," v. 69)
Watch anything with "the eye of habit" and therefore not see any need to think
When people find things for the first time, they can reflect on their extraordinary nature and that may encourage them to look more closely at what they see. But after a while, they usually develop resistance to these things and they do more impressive, especially when it comes an object or event that they encounter every day and which thus becomes their "familiar".
For example, some medical students are very impressed by seeing a corpse for the first time or when it is their first patient who died. This makes them think seriously. It may be that they suddenly find themselves before the lifeless body rigid and almost one person who a few minutes earlier, was full of life, laughed, made plans and talked, feeling of happiness. The first time a corpse is placed before them for an autopsy, they reflect on all that death involves the decomposition so fast the body, the stench that emanates, the hair that were once so pleasant to look become so repulsive that does not even touch them, are all subjects that concern them. After seeing the dead body, they inevitably think of this: "body composition is the same for everyone and everyone has the same end," meaning that they themselves will suffer the same fate.
But after seeing a pair of dead or lost a pair of patients, these doctors and they start getting used to treat the corpses, and even their patients as if they were objects.
This finding is not only true for physicians. For most people, the attitude is the same in many areas of life. For example, when a person who previously had a hard life is given a fine lifestyle, she realizes that everything she has is a blessing for her. When the bed is more comfortable, his house has a beautiful view, she can buy whatever she wants, she can heat her house in winter as it wishes, it can travel easily by car and much, much more, all this is a blessing for her. When she thinks of her past condition, she is delighted to live now this way. Now, whoever owns these facilities since its birth can not think about the value they represent. Enjoy these good things become possible for him if he reflects.
For a man who thinks, it makes no difference that it has these facilities since its birth, or acquired them later. He never looks at the benefits of a familiar way. He knows that everything he owns has been created by God and that He may remove him, if He wants. Therefore, once the faithful recited the prayer for example when they mounted their beasts:
Glory One that we submitted all this while we were not able to dominate them. To our Lord we shall return. (Sura 43, "ornament", v. 13-14)
In another verse it is said that when believers come into their gardens, they remember God and they say: This is
will (and grace) of Allah! There is no power except by Allah. (Sura 18, "Cave", v. 39)
Each time they enter their gardens, they believe that God created these places and who maintains them. By cons, a man who does not think will feel just moved the first time he is in a beautiful garden and then, by dint of seeing him, he will find it ordinary, as if his vision of beauty faded. Many people do not realize the good things around them because they do not think. They see them as "trivial" and "natural." They can not derive pleasure from their beauty.
Conclusion: It is imperative that man eliminates all factors that prevent it from thinking
As we said above, the fact that most people do not think and live without worrying about the truth may not represent a sufficient excuse for ourselves did not reflect. Each person is an independent being, responsible to God alone. It is very important to remember that God tests people down here. The indifference of others, the existence of people who do not think, do not reason and do not see the truth in many ways represent a portion of the test. A person who truly believe do not say: "Most people do not think and are irresponsible, why should I be the one to question me?" Instead, she must learn to think on their unconscious and seek refuge with God in order not to be part of theirs. It is clear that the state in which these people are does not represent an excuse for it. In the Qur'an, God informs us in many of his verses that most people are reckless and they do not believe:
And most people are not believers in spite of your longing. (Sura 12, "Joseph", v. 103)
Alif Lam Mim Ra. Here are the verses of the Book, and it has been revealed from your Lord is the truth, but most people do not believe. "(Sura 13," thunder ", v. 1)
And they swear by Allah by saying their most solemn oaths: Allah will not raise up him who dies. "Quite the contrary it is a promise [of His hand], but most people do not know. (Sura 16, "bees", v. 38)
We had to them that they remember (from us). But most people refuse to be anything but ungrateful. (Sura 25, "the absolute differentiation", v. 50)
In another verse, Allah announces what will be the end of those who have gone astray, following the majority and who have not obeyed Him, forgetting the purpose of their Created
And then they scream: "Lord, make us out and we will do good, contrary to what we were doing." Do you have We not given a life long enough for one who thinks reflect the commandments of Allah? The warning, however, you came. Well, taste (your penalty). Because for the unjust, there is no helper. (Sura 35, "the Creator", v. 37)
That's why each person must get rid of the reasons for its failure to reflect and to think sincerely and honestly to each event and every creature that God created , pay attention to warnings and then learn from that reflection.
In the next chapter, we explain the issues on which man can think, they relate to events and creatures he encounters daily. Our intention is to provide readers of this book, a guide and help them spend the rest of their lives to better reflect and always draw conclusions.
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