Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Holy Week is an important time for Christians. In celebrating each year, we relive the mystery of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.

Palm Sunday: The meeting held on Palm to join the crowd that welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem. After the celebration, people carry the blessed palms to hang with them on a cross as a sign of hope.
Maundy Thursday: Christians gathered in church to commemorate the Last Supper, Jesus' last meal of the day his death. The act of washing feet is at the heart of this celebration. After the readings, the priest did as Jesus, he washed the feet of many Christians.
Friday : Christians celebrate Jesus' death. The cross is central to the celebration. A silent procession opens the Office of the Passion. The Gospel of St. John Passion is proclaimed. Then everyone comes to bow or kiss the cross.
Vigil: On the night of Holy Saturday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. By the fire that burns in outside in the middle of the night we celebrate the Risen Christ that shines in our heart of darkness.

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READING OF THE GOSPEL: The Passion according to John (The text is quite long. One may prefer to read the version for children that will be read during the celebration, see the text in the message "Holy Week celebration.")
1) The Passion of John emphasizes that Jesus freely accepts his death. What elements of the story show us?
Jesus walk toward death with serenity and majesty because it is his time. "My life, nobody takes me but I divested myself" (Jn 10:18). He knows what will happen. It takes time to give his final instructions to the disciples. He entrusts his mother to John. He went himself to meet those who come to arrest him. He asked Peter to put down his sword ... no doubt Jesus in the Gospel of John. He has full confidence in God.

With Children, Let's leave aside the nails and thorns to show that Jesus did not experience these events, but accepts his death freely and with love. In his last week he took time to pose grand gestures: the washing of feet, sharing bread and wine, the gift of life on the cross. Holy Week included them in the liturgy. Take advantage of it to live in community with our children.

2) Why they killed Jesus?

John's Gospel shows us that the Romans were blind instruments. It shows why the opponents of Jesus have called for his death "He must die because he made himself the Son of God" (Jn 19.7). Those who condemned Jesus refuse to accept his message. They accuse him of being the friend of sinners. They condemn it out of pride and jealousy.

With children, the question "Why they killed Jesus? "Is frequently asked. Children experience the death of Jesus as an injustice. We can simply explain to them, as they are small, that Jesus had enemies who refused to believe in him.
But never forget to link the Passion of Jesus in his Resurrection. The resurrection illuminates our understanding and reveals the meaning of words and actions misunderstood "You'll understand later," Jesus said to Peter, who does not understand why he wants to wash his feet (Jn 13.7). The death of Jesus is not a failure. It should be read as a source of life. In raising Jesus, God shows us that life and love are stronger than death and hate.

3) Should we speak of the cross?

For Christians, the cross is not only an object of punishment. On the cross Jesus has freely agreed to give his life for love for all men. The cross bears life: the one crucified on Good Friday is the Risen Easter morning!

With Children. us introduce the cross as a sign of Jesus' love for us.

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Dialogue: Where does it meet the cross? A church, cemetery, around the neck ...

Explanations. The cross is the sign of recognition of Christians. If the cross is so important for us, because Jesus died on a cross for our sakes. The cross became the sign of Jesus' love for all men. We'll see how opening the Bible.


1) Read the story. We can show the corresponding images to download the message "the week's inte coloring"
The branches (John 12: 12-13) few days before the feast of Passover, Jesus went into the Jerusalem seated on a donkey. The crowd greeted him waving palm branches and shouting "Hosanna, Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes! "
The Last Supper (John 13, 1-34 and Matthew 26, 26-28) Jesus knows he will die. He gathered his friends for a last meal and gave his friends gathered his final instructions. He rose from the table, pouring water into a basin and washed his disciples' feet. Around him, his friends do not understand. Jesus said to them: "What I did to you, do it yourself. Because it is an example that I gave you. Love ye one another as I have loved you. " While they were eating, Jesus took bread and sharing, saying: "Take, eat, this is my body." Then he takes a glass of wine and said, "Take and drink, this is my blood .
The arrest of Jesus (John 18: 1-12) Soon the soldiers arrived. Jesus knew what would happen to him, comes forward and tells them: "I am Jesus whom you are looking for! "Then Peter took a sword to defend Jesus. But Jesus said, "put away your sword."
Death of Jesus (John 19, 16-42) Jesus is condemned to die on a cross. Near the cross were his mother Mary and her friend Jean. Before he died Jesus asked John to take care of Mary. Jesus dies on the cross, His friends lay his body in a tomb and roll a large stone at the entrance .
resurrection (John 20, 1-10 and 19-23) few days later, Mary Magdalene comes from the tomb of Jesus, she told Peter and John: "Jesus was removed from his grave." Quick, Peter and John run to the tomb. John comes first. He looks, sees and does not shroud. Peter enters. He looks at the shroud and the cloth that had covered Jesus' head. That's when John enters his suite. He saw and believed. The evening of that day, Jesus appeared to the disciples. He told them: "Peace be with you."

2) Game Cube
This game will help children to integrate the actions of Jesus during the week sainte.Chaque child throws the cube and mime the act of Jesus. The convener said the gesture. Jesus when he made this gesture? At what time of Holy Week again today is this gesture?
3) Conclusion
Jesus freely advanced to his Passion. He did not try to escape or defend themselves. He gave his life for love. He took the time to ask beautiful things we are doing to us as the church during the Holy Week. On Easter Sunday, God raised him. It is passed from death to life. Risen Jesus is victorious over evil and death.

Jesus, you gave your life for love of us on a cross.
When you died, it was dark in our hearts.
But God has risen.
Hallelujah, light and joy in our hearts.
Hallelujah, you were dead, you're alive.

The Church invites us to put our feet into those of Jesus to live Holy Week. In the days preceding the great feast of Easter, let's go to family celebrations in our parish.

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Here is a DIY coloring by children. It déoupe contour and is mounted by bending the cube and then putting the sticky glue on the tabs.

For use see the celebration of enlightenment to the faith of Holy Week.


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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Printing Exhibition

At the Salon, there are many children, happy children ...

... vagaries of doing and really nimble hands of parents who smack on the hands of small for strollers exhausted.
At the Salon, I always wonder how the cows, pigs and brood resist this hell, an injection of Valium each haunch perhaps?
At the Salon, I zap the flag of the wine, it is my legs. But this is not true of everyone: to 16 hours, young exponents of an agricultural bank and pimply drunken chant before the bar limousine:
" A-Alexandria ", Alexandria-A, A-one wants to Alexandria! The young waitress, not very gracious, frightened glances to his boss who has seen other shows ... I always
At Salon heartache if I alternate inadvertently funny fat chocolate and sausage
For the Salon, was allowed back-sellers, jugglers swindlers English sausage factory at 20 euros for 7 as the "local markets" of the road for holidays or bad biscuit "craft" pure price of margarine butter
At Salon, the County is 3 times the price it pays there and more expensive than the "small" cheese Germanopratins, we have to pay the booth
At Salon, the Italian ice a dirty color
At the Salon, I have taken the stand of Tatarstan for a Christmas tree Syldavian: under a picture of horse in the steppe, he mingled gilding costumes and highlight the tchak-tchak, gastronomic pride of a republic as large as 2 times the Burgundy

is wheat or rice and fried expanded molded in different ways and glued with honey. In the list of ingredients, there are "butter substitute," I do not know why I think the kloug.
At Salon, we wonder which are high all the ducks who gave their life to the hundreds of stands of foie gras, Hungary surely. Guest star this year, you can not miss the booth because of the tireless dancers claqueurs heel that dance like dervishes relentlessly
At Salon Mali has funded a huge booth where mammas in robe waiting barge, not even through taste broths macerate the mysterious roots of exotic woods.
At the Salon, I always wonder why I continue to queue up for a burnt sausage and a warm aligot, it must be to be sitting next to Auvergne.

Because here, everyone wants to eat at home. Suddenly gregarious, in the absence of restaurant that would serve as brandade, the bourride or bull crap, I sit on a bench with any accent rolling stones river, he was even Cevennes Gave. As seen at the Porte de Versailles, below the 45th parallel we all "own country" and I can tell my fellow diners: "You know, we're in Paris, it never goes up there with the Eiffel Tower ..."
At the Salon was the stark choice between 200 and 200 sandwiches sausage sandwiches with foie gras

A table is the shank that carries the cake 1kg200 all regions, but usually with industrial chips.
At the Salon, it smells like grilled pork, onions and sauerkraut too warm

At the Salon, I bought turron, paprika and limoncello, Hungarian bacon with truffles, pepper Espelette, Basque sauces to put on my tortillas and the Ardennes pâté crust while hot
At the Salon, I found the booth the most photographed, just behind the ass of cows and bulls balls, that of Russian bakery

I missed the show but saw Genevieve Jacques cornaquant its first Miss National in wake of hefty bouncers with earphones; level photos are still ragging the Russian bakery

At the Salon, I lost my bag with turron, presumably at the bar limousine ... exhausted and failing Quézac booth, I had to finish me Badoit ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Science secret insiders, Serge

A message from Serge Caillet
Dear friends, Les Editions du

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Friday, February 4, 2011

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Silentium post Clamores / Michael Maier - 1617

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Jesus went to the desert for 40 days: Lent is a period of 40 days of efforts to prepare for the great feast of Easter. "The Church is united each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert for 40 days of Lent." (Catechism of the Catholic Church).

In the Bible the number 40 has a symbolic value. It expresses a test period. After coming out of Egypt, the Hebrew people, led by Moses, 40 years wandering in the wilderness (Numbers 13). Noah takes refuge in the ark while a deluge 40-day floods the earth (GN6). The prophet Elijah, threatened with death by Queen Jezebel, flees and walks 40 days to Mount Sinai (1R19).
With children, How to live these 40 days of Lent? Kids can do a lot of effort but let us not ask them too. Each will take a few well-chosen resolutions based on its age.

First temptation: Jesus resists the temptation to live only to eat. The bread does not serve to satisfy his own hunger. He will multiply to satiate the crowd that follows him and make it the spirit of sharing.
With children , Lent directs us we also make efforts to share and fasting.

- Share for a child not only give toys which he no longer wants. It may also be to give her time to draw a picture of a patient, smile at a beggar in the street, take the time to call his grandparents, his godfather, his mentor and say a kind word ...

- Fasting can be reduced to forego candy or snack. But it is also fast watching less TV or internet.

Second Temptation Jesus resists the temptation to gain power. He chose to live in simplicity, with the poor, the sick.
With Children. Children dream of becoming king, to have power and money. The humility and simplicity, the example of Jesus, are virtues to encourage in children. During Lent, most often open the book of God's Word to our children to read stories that show the gospel of Jesus' humility, his loving gaze landed on the poor, the sick, the outcast.

Third temptation Jesus resisted the temptation to put God to the test. We too are invited to resist the temptation to seek God's protection for granted in our prayer asking that he uses his power only for our own benefit.
With Children, Family recite each day of Lent "LA" Our Father in prayer asking God to us not into temptation.

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Dialogue: Present ashes children. Listen to their reactions: c'es t gray and dirty, this task is to dust ...
Explanations. The ash that is placed on the forehead on Ash Wednesday, is the image of evil that is in our heart. During 40 days of Lent, we will make choices to turn to God and rid our heart of everything is gray, dirty, like ash. At the end of our Lent, then we can celebrate Easter with a heart neuf.Savez you that Jesus also chose this rid of evil during the 40 days he spent in the desert? Let's see how opening the Bible.


Read the story According to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 4: 1-13)
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit in the desert. He ate nothing for forty days and was hungry. Then the devil came to tempt him, he said: "If you are the son of God, command this stone to become bread." Jesus replied: "Not by bread alone that man must live." The devil then suggested all the kingdoms of the earth. Jesus replied: "It is written: You shall worship the Lord thy God and him alone shall you serve." Then the devil took him on the summit of the temple of Jerusalem and said, "If you are the son of God, throw yourself down. God will command his angels to protect you. " Jesus replied: "It says:" You shall not test the Lord your God. " After completion of tempt Jesus, the devil departed from him until another time.

temptations Understanding: Helping Children children understand the meaning of temptations and the response of Jesus. Help the image of each cloud coloring commenting: What does the devil? What does Jesus do?

Understanding the symbolism of Lent and Ash . During Lent, Christians are called to be three basic attitudes: praying, fasting and share. Explain to children the meaning of these words and give examples of efforts Lent (See the meeting of parents above).

Party Like Jesus in the desert for 40 days,
here 40 days are given to us, O Lord, we turn to you.
As Jesus got rid of the devil,
we want to get rid of this evil in our heart,
of all that is dark, dirty dust as ashes.
Help us Lord not to let ourselves be tempted by evil.

We go home to our good work Lenten resolutions. It's how we prepare our hearts to the great feast of Easter.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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A Lenten Path to color and complete. Children draw a heart on the path for each effort made Lent.

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The windows open to reveal a drawing of the three temptations. Jesus said no to temptation, we close the windows .
1) Scoop the windows of the first plate with a cutter
2) Glue the first board on the second

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Monday, January 31, 2011

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If "some scream," others applaud and share.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

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primitive priesthood by Martinez Pasqually and priesthood of the baptized. THE ESSENTIAL

By: Jean-François Var - January 2011

"From God to man to manifest world, the doctrine of Pasqually Martinez and-order politicians Coens encompasses everything," says Jean-François Var. It is a system designed not only to theoria, the contemplation of ideas, but also and especially for praxis, its implementation. The heart of this system, acting in his element, is the priesthood. "Martinez Pasqualy has anchored its system in Christianity and more specifically Roman Catholicism, "he says, indulging in this 30-minute presentation to an exegesis of the priestly function.

From principles to the end as performance, Jean-François Var talks about the creative Word "sent by the Father and consecrated by the Spirit, Incarnate Word and transfigured by the Alpha and Omega of all things. Principle and end precisely, his human name, Jesus became Jesus Christ and Origin term of the priesthood as well.

So the history of this priestly investiture, Jean-François Var will talk to us, starting from the first Adam, fallen, to arrive at new Adam, Christ Redeemer and universal restorative. From the fall to reinstatement, the elect become Coën Reau-Croix will resume in him and through him, this journey. Because the cult Coën not inconsistent with the way the Church, he agrees with her. That is why the Coens-elected are required to receive the sacraments of the Church. The primitive worship of the Coens-elected is legitimate because it is made by the baptized, "reborn in Christ," which are designed to work for the restoration of the universe, one created by the Word within the Church of Christ. If their priesthood arose initially the creative word (archetypical figure of the first Adam), it follows the verb now embodied by Christ the new Adam. It was he who, by manifesting his presence and that of "The Thing", the cult of self-elected ... Coens.

And with a touch of provocation assumed, for Jean-François Var adding that "any practice outside of Christ and without him would be illegitimate, even dangerous illusion". ...

This 30-minute presentation was filmed at the conference of the tercentenary of Pasqually Martines, organized by the Institute and Eleazar the journal Renaissance Traditional, in Marseille in September 2010.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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Although useful for our studies


After long months during which our site has been updated, we are very pleased today to inform you that we completed the work undertaken on the remaining manuscripts to be cleaned from the BNF in Paris, concerning all the rituals and instructions called "the Triple Union to the east of Marseille.

The Worshipful Master of the J. & P. Lodge was commissioned F. Taxila (this is not the same ...) in Lyon to copy it or make copy of all the rituals from the changes and additions made by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and friends after the Convent of Wilhelmsbad between the years 1785 -1787 and 1809.

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• The introduction of this French edition takes us into the life of Dr. Bacstrom, his meeting with the Comte de Chazal in Mauritius, and his initiation into the Society of Rosicrucians (Societas Rosa crucis) with a facsimile of his oath, how he worked at the Elixir of Life and how he passed his knowledge to a few disciples in his return to London.

• How the work of Dr. Bacstrom and manuscripts were transferred from the nineteenth century our days Societies Rosi-Cruciennes, collectors and Alchemists ...

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