- "Lord, we have wronged ourselves. And if You forgive us not and we have not mercy, we will certainly be among the losers." Qur'an 7 / 23.
- rabbani zalamnâ anfusanâ wa lam in the tarhamnâ taghfir lana wa-l-mina nakûnanna khâsirîn.
- "Lord preserve me ask you what I have no knowledge. If you do not forgive me, if you do not make me mercy. I will be among the losers. "Qur'an 11/47.
- rabbi inni a'ûdhu bika year as'alaka ma li inlays bihi 'ilmun wa wa illa li taghfir tarhamnî akun mina l-khâsirîn.
- " Lord! Forgive me and my father and mother to one who enters my house as a believer, and to all believers. "Qur'an 71/28
- Rabbi ghfir li wa li-wâlidayya wa li-man Dakhala baytiya mu'minan wa li-l-l-wa mu'minin mu'minât.
- "Lord! {} Accepts this from us! For Thou art the Delighted, the Omniscient. Accepts our repentance. You are the welcoming to repentance, Most Merciful. "Qur'an 2/127-128
- rabbani taqabbal innaka anta minn l-s-samî'u'alîm.-Wa tub 'alaynaa innaka does anta tawwâbu r-Rahim.
- "Lord! make me keep up prayer and part of my offspring. Hear my prayer, O Lord! "Qur'an 14/40
- Rabbi j'alnî muqîma s-salat wa min dhurriyyatî, Rabban wa taqabbal du'a '.